From as early as I can remember, I have always been addicted to sugar. In all of its forms. Be it bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, OR chocolate and all other sweets and desserts. Later, in my 20s,...
Posts by Anja
I first heard about the WILDFIT 90-DAY CHALLENGE in 2018, when watching Mindvalley’s founder, Vishen Lakhiani, talk about the awesome results he had experienced. In early 2019, my boyfriend and I...
How I Struggle(d) to Focus on ONE Goal as a Starting Entrepreneur
Focusing on just one goal at a time is one of the biggest challenges nowadays. It is even harder when you are a starting entrepreneur. Your entire business and revenue depend on it. More than ever, I...
If you are like me, you are by nature not the type of person that says "no" easily. Of course, saying "no" to additional work is a particular challenge. We often feel obliged to say "yes" to tasks...
Focusing too much on others not only caused me much pain in the past, but I also feel like it delayed my personal development in many ways. By re-focusing on myself more than others, I was able to...
Of course, there are tons of things you could be doing when you are alone. A couple of days ago, however, I wondered what I could do in order to have PROPER FUN ALONE! Laughing is important and...