Many students take on incredibly huge loans to finance their education. They are unaware of common financial traps such as credit card debt with its high-interest rates. All of this is probably...
One Habit. 21 Days. A New Start.
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More people are working from home these days than ever before. Even positions that have traditionally been onsite occupations have found a way to work-from-home. As many companies are making the...
Until I was 30, I believed that a happy and healthy couple was JUST MADE OUT OF PURE LOVE. I thought that love at first sight could lead to eternal love and that there would be no work needed to...
For those who are seeking out ways to regroup and recreate themselves, future self journaling is a great way to do so. It is a technique to condition your mind to work towards something – be that...
Bullet journaling is one of the most popular methods of keeping track your daily activities. If you’re tired of feeling cluttered and overwhelmed by your to-do list, then there might not be a...
It's been about 10 years since I graduated but my student years were intense and definitely memorable for me. And a few days ago, I took the decision that I would study again. I'm now in my...